Diseases not Cure by cupping

Often the question to open the door on science has overlooked restraint or reluctant students, the question may be more Basta for information on door to show the answer in another more accessible and clearer, we have spoken previously about the acupuncture does not address everything, we have streamlined it in its own article, but the wonderful statement and question is is there a diseases addressed by cupping?

Say and Allaah is that treatment is the stage of access to healing and the task to achieve, and that is great, and cupping for sincere almsdok told us the Prophet: "the size of healing", then cupping including property modification of circulatory disorders in several levels of remedial necessity accompany in many diseases to assist in healing, how many patients had improved after cupping with continuing medication, how much we complain of chronic diseases The futility of treatment, and they felt better after acupuncture with medication. So cupping of various types according to scientific research also showed many many diseases to varying degrees, provided that it is compatible with the nature of the illness the cupping method to increase the cure rate achieved by the process.

Thus the question becomes whether that cupping in all diseases?The answer is of course not, there is no definitive drug 100 percent, but may be useful in disease and cupping are not useful in some cases of the same disease, and vice versa, the response may be a disease of Cupping a powerful but a strong improvement to some of these cases with the use of cupping.
Diseases not Cure by cupping

Cupping may serve in the full recovery of some diseases as seen in many diseases, and cupping treatment may be helpful in alleviating a disease, such as alleviating some types of cupping for pain of oncological diseases as constant scientific research.

We conclude that we can use cupping safe with many diseases, taking into account the restrictions regarding cases of illness to one of two things either heal or help in increasing the body's response to the effect of medication, or treatment of a disease that may be a pain manifestations.


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