Cupping therapy and acupuncture

The relationship between therapy cupping and acupuncture

It can be said that cupping can be treated using the same sensation in the body centers map used by Chinese acupressure therapist to cure the same diseases. The action points in acupuncture treatment known as "score indication" points on the human body with varying degrees of depth, and the associated energy pathways and points as if pressed it hurts, compared to other regions of the human body where no acupuncture points, as they are the sick Member which is the point on the track.

In the recent period and with medical devices might locate these points by detector "alankobenktoskob" power, and found to be characterized by low electric and werent as around the surface of the body, and these points could be photographed by "photography" kirlban way, with these points about 1,000 points, but recent research conducted in China recommended enough (214) points only to meet the required remedial goals.

Grounded theory points to the belief that the body (12) basic channel and four subsidiary channels, these channels are magnetic power as long as this energy is smoothly without any obstacles, the body stays healthy, and when no disorder in the course of this energy begins symptoms emerge.
Cupping therapy and acupuncture

According to Professor Dr. Uriel [1] that cupping results better ten times of acupuncture, it places the reflexes nerves, lymph glands, where the activated, and also working on blood vessels and nerves.

See doctors and specialists that cupping results better several times compared with acupuncture, arguing that by saying:

1. acupuncture works on a small point, and cupping, to a radius of 5 cm.

2. on acupuncture are alert only sense centers in cupping are sensation stations alert in addition to moving the circulation and alert the immune system.

3. acupuncture in use of the type of risk, as the destruction of tissues and is what can happen when you insert the needle in veins and nerves are destroyed or even less significant as the lungs for instance members, here can come out of air from the lung flukes and enters into the adjacent space, increasing pressure to stop the lung and suffocate.


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