Before cupping therapy

Conditions before cupping therapy

What is the duty of the person before the cupping process?Or what are the things or practices should refrain them (or the) person who wants to cupping therapy, and already there is a difference in the variation of many practices before cupping Each specialist has a certain point of view and sometimes find conflict and collision between the conditions of cupping specialist to another specialist, found, for example, that some of them refers to the lack of person who wants to practice cupping therapy process sexual intercourse before cupping a 24-hour period Or not less than 12 hours and, of course, is not in any religious text or scientific proof.

Cupping dry and sliding take place at any time and without certain conditions while cupping bloody it may sided or two opinions if preventive it may certain conditions The therapeutic has no specific time or certain conditions sufficient that the person is an empty stomach from eating, even from the two or three hours, with the following I will talk about the most prominent conditions and supported by medical evidence or scientific logic.

Cupping preventive:

1. Preferably cupping in the early morning and even the pre-afternoon before the sun intensifies.

2. Prefer not to cupping therapy in severe cold night and severe storms.

3. A person who wants to cupping therapy fasting (on an empty stomach) and, of course, not very hungry because that leads to nausea or fainting

4. Prefers not to shower before cupping.

Cupping treatment:

1 - The fact that a person who wants to cupping therapy fasting or him from eating two to three hours.

2 - preferably comes Raghib cupping without a bath (shower).

3 - conducted cupping in anywhere and anytime they do cupping therapy, and take into account only age if he was a child or an old man and the physical situation if too tired or not, or if the pregnant woman.

Psychological preparations for the treatment of cupping

Some people if seek treatment cupping for the first time may fall ill, the fear of striping for example, or if the other treated with cupping may afraid to see the blood, and this man is better for him starting to show him and explain everything from the virtues of cupping, and they are useful medically, and there is no discomfort or pain, even afraid of them, if reassured that man then engaged him cupping.


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